Wednesday, February 24, 2010

34 Weeks Pregnant Fetal Heart Rate 6.5 Weeks, Subchorionic Bleeding?

6.5 weeks, subchorionic bleeding? - 34 weeks pregnant fetal heart rate

Han TTC for 2 years, had several miscarriages, now 6 weeks 3 days pregnant with low-dose aspirin and progesterone suppositories.

Last night was a little red spotted, panicked, went to the emergency room, 7 hours later I finally had a quick ultrasound visually seen in a heartbeat. HCG levels were 34700 (they told me it was normal for 6 weeks).

There was a detailed ultrasound this morning. It was the fetal heart rate to 113, who said he was a little slow (though the Internet, said that in the optimum range at all), and a small subchorionic hemorrhage.

Who happened? I'm on bed rest and try not to worry, but it's hard.


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